Websites to help you understand and apply a variety of commonly used bibliography and citation styles.
Purdue OWL
Writing resources created by Purdue University, including APA and MLA style guides.
Excelsior Online Writing Lab
Provides examples and explanations of APA, MLA, and Chicago styles, including video explanations.
Generates a bibliography based on the information entered. Offers a wide variety of styles.
Generates citations using MLA, APA, Chicago, and several other styles.
APA Style
The APA style guide’s official website. It provides in-depth information how to properly apply the APA style from appropriate font face options to the use of bias-free language.
MLA Style
The MLA style guide’s official website. It includes a citation builder as well as a writing tips and a question-and-answer board.
Chicago Manual of Style
The Chicago Manual of Style’s official website. It provides examples of how to use this style.
(updated 3/2023)