UPDATE on 4/29/20 – due to the Coronavirus, the annual book sale is postponed until further notice. We hope to reschedule it in the fall. Please check back here for updates. Thank you.
Welcome to the Friends of the Library – Central. This community minded group of volunteers was formed in 1972, shortly after the Agnes Flood, to help restore the devastated library collection and support ongoing operations. The group began raising funds by selling bookmarks, cookies and books, as well as hosting wine and cheese events and dinners.
The Friends eventually focused their efforts on an annual Book Sale, now known throughout the region as the premiere book sale. It is held the third full week of June under a tent on the library patio and is their main fundraising event.
Leading up to the June book sale, members sort and organize donated books and other materials in the library basement all year long. Their dedicated efforts pay off. In 2019, the Friends raised an incredible $33,616 via the sale, and over the last 43 years the Friends Book Sale has raised $535,500 to support the Osterhout Free Library. All money raised by the Friends goes directly to supporting the library’s mission.
Please mark your calendar for June 13-20, 2020 with Friday, June 12 being Preview Night ($10 entry).
Executive Board Members
Irene Martin, President
Marie McCormick, Vice President
Diane Krokos, Treasurer
Theresa Roebuck, Secretary
Barbara Ambrose
Joan Kwarcinski
2020 Book Sale Co-Chairs
Diane Krokos & Irene Martin
Here’s a link to our Friends of the Osterhout Free Library Brochure.
UPDATE on 4/29/20 – due to the Coronavirus, the annual Books, Baskets & Bake Sale fundraiser for the North Branch is postponed until further notice. We hope to reschedule it later this year. Please check back here for updates. Thank you.
Welcome to the Friends of the North Branch. This community minded group of volunteers was newly formed in 2016 to support the ongoing operations of the North Branch.
Thank you to all who attended the Books, Baskets & Bake Sale on April 27th, 2019, you helped raise a record $3,500 for the library. See you at the event on April 25, 2020.
Please contact Joanne Austin, North Branch Supervisor for more information at 570.822.4660 or jaustin@luzernelibraries.org or download our Friends of the Osterhout Free Library Brochure.